Newly Formed PS 33 Girls's Chess Team Place 2nd in Girls Nationals

Coach Russell Makofsky, left, and coach Angel Lopez, right, with the 2016 PS 33's girls' chess team (missing 2 players).

Coach Russell Makofsky, left, and coach Angel Lopez, right, with the 2016 PS 33's girls' chess team (missing 2 players).

Chelsea now

Good Work Its Own Reward, Awards Also Nice

Added by Scott Stiffler on May 25, 2016.

PS 33 Girls Win at Chess | A recently formed girls chess team from the Big Apple proved they were no mere pawns, when they traveled to the Windy City to compete at the All-Girls National Championships chess tournament (April 22–24). The PS 33 Chelsea Prep students came back from Chicago with the Under 8 Division Second Place trophy (almost as tall as the girls). Flanked by Chess NYC coaches Angel Lopez (left) and Russell Makofsky are Aliya Saldanha-Suri, Charlotte Peterson, Abigail Yang, Simone Morden, and Rose Morden. The girls will be sharpening their skills over the summer, by attending chess camps and participating in tournaments throughout the city.

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